We're Live on Crossbar!

We are stoked to introduce our brand-new website platform, Crossbar, which replaces the previous Sports Engine. With a commitment to enhanced user-friendliness and efficient communication, Crossbar aims to serve you better than ever before. Our primary goal is to provide you with a seamless and enjoyable experience while keeping you up-to-date on all things related to our association. ⁣

Youth Hockey Registration is Now Open! We are excited to announce that registration for our upcoming Youth Hockey season is now officially open. Whether you're a returning player or a newcomer eager to join the ranks, we welcome you all with open arms. Our team has worked hard to ensure that the registration process is straightforward and hassle-free on the new Crossbar platform. Head over to Programs > Hockey Registration to get started!⁣⁣
Report Bugs/Fixes: As with any transition, there might be a few bumps along the way. We kindly ask for your patience as we iron out any kinks in the system. Our website team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth experience for everyone, and we are actively addressing any issues that arise. You can send an email to marketing@erra.com, and our team will be quick to address any concerns you may have.⁣⁣
Stay Tuned for the Schedule: We understand that having timely access to the schedule is crucial for planning and participation. Rest assured, we are diligently working to update the schedule on Crossbar. You can expect it to be up-to-date very soon.⁣⁣
Thank you for your continued support and spread the word that registration is now open!